Monday, June 7, 2010

Where are the honey bees?

Yesterday while I was picking raspberries, I saw ONE honey bee on a berry flower. Just one. I was so excited. You see, I have not see a honey bee anywhere in my garden in 2 years. And it was 4 years ago that I saw the last hundreds together on my poppies.

The pollinators that I do see are mainly wasps, bumblebees and various beetles and other flying insects. Oh, yes, and the much-dreaded Red-necked Borer. It does a little pollinating, I think. (The borer chews the leaves and lays its eggs in the berry canes to hatch next season. Not nice and a real pain to deal with.)

Today I didn't see any bees in the garden. It is cloudy and gray, a good day to work on my blog !

1 comment:

  1. Although several folks around have hives that appear to be active and alive, I also have not seen a single honey bee on the clover this year. There used to be a lot of them. This year only bumble bees. Hopefully they'll recover!
